+91 8860027901, 9810240168, +91 120 4180384

XML Conversion

Our highly skilled team delivers XML and HTML services and solutions that include:

  • Delivering XML/HTML files conforming to the customer’s DTD & specification
  • Development in XML-related technologies such as XSL, XSLT, XSL-FO etc.
  • Development of Quality Control tools for checking XML to customer specifications

Conversion of hard copy and electronic files to a suitable format for the web viz. PDF, XML, HTML, eBooks or any other format, based on client requirements.

We undertake digitization of historical/legacy/back-title data/books/documents from microfilms/microfiches, hard copy etc and creation of web-database products that offer easy searchability and retrieval.

In this process, we perform the following tasks:

  • Analyzing data and developing DTD/Schema
  • Modifying or developing third party DTDs
  • Initial data clean up
  • OCR Capture of text from hardcopy documents
  • XML Conversion
  • Proofing, Validation and QC Audits